General questions and FAQ

If you have forgotten your password or no longer able to login, consult the following guide: How can i recover my password?  If you don’t receive the e-mail to reset your password in your inbox, make sure to also check your spam folder. If for some reason the reset your password button is not clickable within the e-mail, go to the link located on the bottom of the same e-mail.
To activate an account on our platform you must first verify your address through the verification e-mail sent to you when you first access. If you re-attempt to access without confirming your e-mail, you will be sent a second confirmation e-mail; if you attempt to access multiple times you will not receive any more e-mails for security reasons. If you don’t receive the e-mail to verify your account in your inbox, make sure to also check your spam folder. If for some reason the Confirm my e-mail address button is not clickable within the e-mail, go to the link located on the bottom of the same e-mail.