Payments on HappyFans

Receive payments for Creators

If you are a Creator you will receive a notification every time one of your Fan completes one of the following operations:
  • Subscribe to your profile
  • Purchase of a  Bundle
By clicking on the icon a pop-up will appear in which you can view notifications regarding payments. NOTIFICHE_2.png
If you are a Creator, you can create a paid subscription profile for Fans by completing the following steps:
  1. Login to the platform by using your credentials
  2. Click the icon Medium.png on the upper right corner of the page
  3. Click on Settings and go to Subscriptions Settings
  4. Click the icon Human_Interface_Guidelines.png next to Paid membership
  5. Click the icon
  6. Insert the amount that Fans have to pay to access your content
  7. Click Save 
  8. Click I confirm changing my plan to complete the operation
Your paid subscription profile is now configured, all Fans subscribed to your profile will receive a notification informing them of changes to their subscription on their next renewal. TO_PAID_MEMBERSHIP_2.png
If you are a creator you can manage payments using the following steps:
  1. Login to the platform with your credentials
  2. Click the icon Medium.png on the upper right corner of the page
  3. Click on Settings and go to Payments
Here you will find 3 tabs for payment management.
Revenue & Spent
In this tab you can view your total balance, both incoming and outgoing, as well as all transactions inherent to your profile. SPENT_REVENUE.png My Subscription In this tab you can view the status of your subscriptions to Creators of whom you are Fan, with the ability to filter by All, Active, Inactive, Expired. In addition you can do the following operations:
  1. Cancel a Subscription to a Creator by clicking Unsubscribe
  2. Reactivate an inactive subscription to a Creator by clicking Reactivate
  3. Renew an expired subscription to a Creator by clicking Subscribe for <value/month>

My Fans (only for Creators)
In this tab, Creators can view all Fans subscribed to their profiles, In questa scheda i Creators possono visualizzare tutti i Fans abbonati ai propri profili, with the ability to filter by All, Active, Inactive, To renew, Expired.